Goldensunsky 1000/1600/2000 dpi High Speed Wireless Gaming Optical Mouse with USB Mini Receiver, Plug and Play 2.4ghz

Best Wireless Gaming Mouse - Goldensunsky 1000/1600/2000 dpi High Speed Wireless Gaming Optical Mouse with USB Mini Receiver, Plug and Play 2.4ghz is great for the price. There is anything to bad about it, it fits into your hand perfectly. I have been using it to play guild wars 2 and it has been working great after 5 hours of straight use.The mouse itself is not huge, and  fits comfortably

MySQL error: last packet sent to the server was XXX ms ago

I just spent a few weeks battling a strange, infrequent, hard-to-reproduce error when using JDBC to talk to MySQL. After about a dozen experiments, I think I've finally found a solution and I've decided to capture the details here, since my online searches didn't turn up this particular answer anywhere else.

tldr: If you see a "last packet sent to the server was XXX ms ago" error, you may want to upgrade your version of the mysql-connector-java library.

The Symptoms

I had a simple Java app in production that was using JDBC to talk to a MySQL DB. Everything was running great: DB calls were taking 2 ms on average and 8 ms in the 99th percentile. However, once every 4-8 hours, a strange error would pop up that looked something like this:

I can understand the occasionally slow query, but 28800126 ms? EOFException? What's going on here?

Lots of ineffective options

As usual, I turned to a programmer's two best friends: Google and StackOverflow. I quickly found my way to the MySQL docs and found out that MySQL has two timeout settings that will close a connection if it is idle for too long: interactive_timeout and wait_timeout. The default value for these two settings is 28800000 ms or 8 hours.

The general advice online was to make sure that your connection management library was sending periodic "keep-alive" queries to prevent connections from going idle. I was using BoneCP, so I tried everything I could to make it behave properly, including a few configuration tweaks as well as workarounds for a connection leak bug and a releaseHelperThreads bug. Nothing worked.

Eventually, I swapped out BoneCP entirely for a different connection management library. Nevertheless, after a few hours, the dreaded "last packet sent to the server was XXX ms ago" error would pop up on the production box.

The solution at last

For a while, I was at a loss. I couldn't see how two entirely different DB connection management libraries could have the same bug. I began digging for what the two had in common and realized that, under the hood, both would be using the same JDBC driver. For MySQL, this is Connector/J.

It's at this point that I noticed that I was, for some reason, using Connector/J version 3.1.12, which is quite old. In fact, it is officially obsolete and only compatible with MySQL 5.0 and below. This is unfortunate, as I was using MySQL 5.5 in production.

I figured it was a long shot that this was the cause of the errors I was seeing, but I figured that using the "recommended" connector version was a good idea anyway. I updated from mysql-connector-java version 3.1.12 to version 5.1.22.

And just like that, all the errors were gone.

The final word

So, there you have it.  If you see a "last packet sent to the server was XXX ms ago", it's likely one of two things:
  1. Your DB connection management library is leaving idle connections open too long
  2. You're hitting an incompatibility bug between the Connector/J version and the MySQL DB version