Friday, July 29, we kicked off the LinkedIn Intern Hackday. It was the first ever public hackday we've had at LinkedIn: interns from all over Silicon Valley were invited to come down to LinkedIn headquarters, form teams, hack for 24 hours, and build something awesome. Roughly 165 interns came and just about all of them stayed up all night. To keep them going, we had a ton of food delivered - sandwiches at 7, pizza at 9, Chinese food at 2am, breakfast burritos at 7am, more pizza at noon, hot truck at 4 - and vast quantities of caffeine at all hours.
This is a quick blog post with some of the sights and sounds from day 1. These are mostly from my iPhone (apparently, the only camera I have on me during most LinkedIn events), the LinkedIn University Facebook Page and one of our volunteers, Hemendra. Keep your eye on the Intern Hackday site for the full official set of photos, videos and, most importantly, the submitted hacks from the event.
The interns check-in at 6pm on Friday
One intern came prepared, ready with his own case of energy drinks
But don't worry, we were well stocked with food and drinks of our own
And, of course, plenty of caffeine
Getting settled in
Cal Poly represent
165+ laptops, phones, monitors, and keyboard meant a lot of wires
Every type of laptop, netbook, headphone, phone, tablet and gizmo could be found